# Migrate to firefly v9.0

This major version of @squide/firefly introduces TanStack Query as the official library for fetching the global data of a Squide's application and features a complete rewrite of the AppRouter component, which now uses a state machine to manage the application's bootstrapping flow.

Prior to v9.0, Squide applications couldn't use TanStack Query to fetch global data, making it challenging for Workleap's applications to keep their global data in sync with the server state. With v9.0, applications can now leverage custom wrappers of the TanStack Query's useQueries hook to fetch and keep their global data up-to-date with the server state. Additionally, the new deferred registrations update feature allows applications to even keep their conditional navigation items in sync with the server state.

Finally, with v9.0, Squide's philosophy has evolved. We used to describe Squide as a shell for federated applications. Now, we refer to Squide as a shell for modular applications. After playing with Squide's local module feature for a while, we discovered that Squide offers significant value even for non-federated applications, which triggered this shift in philosophy.

# Breaking changes

# Removed

  • The useAreModulesRegistered hook has been removed, use the useIsBootstrapping hook instead.
  • The useAreModulesReady hook has been removed, use the useIsBootstrapping hook instead.
  • The useIsMswStarted hook has been removed, use the useIsBootstrapping hook instead.
  • The completeModuleRegistrations function as been removed use the useDeferredRegistrations hook instead.
  • The completeLocalModulesRegistrations function has been removed use the useDeferredRegistrations hook instead.
  • The completeRemoteModuleRegistrations function has been removed use the useDeferredRegistrations hook instead.
  • The useSession hook has been removed, define your own React context instead.
  • The useIsAuthenticated hook has been removed, define your own React context instead.
  • The sessionAccessor option has been removed from the FireflyRuntime options, define your own React context instead.
  • The ManagedRoutesplaceholder has been removed, use PublicRoutes and ProtectedRoutes instead.

# Renamed

  • The setMswAsStarted function has been renamed to setMswIsReady.
  • A route definition $name option has been renamed to $id.
  • The registerRoute parentName option has been renamed to parentId.

# Others

  • The @squide/firefly package now takes a peerDependency on @tanstack/react-query.
  • The @squide/firefly package doesn't takes a peerDependency on react-error-boundary anymore.

# Removed support for deferred routes

Deferred registration functions no longer support route registration; they are now exclusively used for registering navigation items. Since deferred registration functions can now be re-executed whenever the global data changes, registering routes in deferred registration functions no longer makes sense as updating the routes registry after the application has bootstrapped could lead to issues.

This change is a significant improvement for Squide's internals, allowing us to eliminate quirks like:

  • Treating unknown routes as protected: When a user initially requested a deferred route, Squide couldn't determine if the route was public or protected because it wasn't registered yet. As a result, for that initial request, the route was considered protected, even if the deferred registration later registered it as public.

  • Mandatory wildcard * route registration: Previously, Squide's bootstrapping would fail if the application didn't include a wildcard route.


export const register: ModuleRegisterFunction<FireflyRuntime, unknown, DeferredRegistrationData> = runtime => {
    return ({ featureFlags }) => {
        if (featureFlags?.featureB) {
                path: "/page",
                element: <Page />

                $id: "page",
                $label: "Page",
                to: "/page"


export const register: ModuleRegisterFunction<FireflyRuntime, unknown, DeferredRegistrationData> = runtime => {
        path: "/page",
        element: <Page />

    return ({ featureFlags }) => {
        if (featureFlags?.featureB) {
                $id: "page",
                $label: "Page",
                to: "/page"

# Conditional routes

To handle direct access to a conditional route, each conditional route's endpoint should return a 403 status code if the user is not authorized to view the route. Those 403 errors should then be handled by the nearest error boundary.

# Plugin's constructors now requires a runtime instance

Prior to this release, plugin instances received the current runtime instance through a _setRuntime function. This approach caused issues because some plugins required a reference to the runtime at instantiation. To address this, plugins now receive the runtime instance directly as a constructor argument.


export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
    readonly #runtime: Runtime;

    constructor() {

    _setRuntime(runtime: Runtime) {
        this.#runtime = runtime;


export class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
    constructor(runtime: Runtime) {
        super(MyPlugin.name, runtime);

# Plugins now registers with a factory function

Prior to this release, the FireflyRuntime accepted plugin instances as options. Now, FireflyRuntime accepts factory functions instead of plugin instances. This change allows plugins to receive the runtime instance as a constructor argument.


const runtime = new FireflyRuntime({
    plugins: [new MyPlugin()]


const runtime = new FireflyRuntime({
    plugins: [x => new MyPlugin(x)]

# Rewrite of the AppRouter component

This release features a full rewrite of the AppRouter component. The AppRouter component used to handle many concerns like global data fetching, deferred registrations, error handling and a loading state. Those concerns have been delegated to the consumer code, supported by the new useIsBootstrapping, usePublicDataQueries, useProtectedDataQueries and useDeferredRegistrations hooks.


export function App() {
    const [featureFlags, setFeatureFlags] = useState<FeatureFlags>();
    const [subscription, setSubscription] = useState<FeatureFlags>();

    const handleLoadPublicData = useCallback((signal: AbortSignal) => {
        return fetchPublicData(setFeatureFlags, signal);
    }, []);

    const handleLoadProtectedData = useCallback((signal: AbortController) => {
        return fetchProtectedData(setSubscription, signal);
    }, []);

    const handleCompleteRegistrations = useCallback(() => {
        return completeModuleRegistrations(runtime, {
    }, [runtime, featureFlags, subscription]);

    return (
            errorElement={<RootErrorBoundary />}
            {(routes, providerProps) => (
                <RouterProvider router={createBrowserRouter(routes)} {...providerProps} />


function BootstrappingRoute() {
    const [featureFlags] = usePublicDataQueries([getFeatureFlagsQuery]);
    const [subscription] = useProtectedDataQueries([getSubscriptionQuery]);

    const data: DeferredRegistrationData = useMemo(() => ({ 
    }), [featureFlags, subscription]);


    if (useIsBootstrapping()) {
        return <div>Loading...</div>;

    return <Outlet />;

export function App() {
    return (
        <AppRouter waitForMsw waitForPublicData>
            {({ rootRoute, registeredRoutes, routerProviderProps }) => {
                return (
                                element: rootRoute,
                                errorElement: <RootErrorBoundary />,
                                children: [
                                        element: <BootstrappingRoute />,
                                        children: registeredRoutes

# New hooks and functions

# Improvements

  • Deferred registration functions now always receive a data argument.
  • Deferred registration functions now receives a new operations argument.
  • Navigation items now include a $canRender option, enabling modules to control whether a navigation item should be rendered.

# New $id option for navigation items

Navigation items now supports a new $id option. Previously, most navigation item React elements used a key property generated by concatenating the item's level and index, which goes against React's best practices:

<li key={`${level}-${index}`}>

It wasn't that much of a big deal since navigation items never changed once the application was bootstrapped. Now, with the deferred registration functions re-executing when the global data changes, the registered navigation items can be updated post-bootstrapping. The new $id option allows the navigation item to be configured with a unique key at registration, preventing UI shifts.

    $id: "page-1",
    $label: "Page 1",
    to: "/page-1"

The configured $id option is then passed as a key argument to the useRenderedNavigationItems rendering functions:

const renderItem: RenderItemFunction = (item, key) => {
    const { label, linkProps, additionalProps } = item;

    return (
        <li key={key}>
            <Link {...linkProps} {...additionalProps}>

const renderSection: RenderSectionFunction = (elements, key) => {
    return (
        <ul key={key}>

const navigationElements = useRenderedNavigationItems(navigationItems, renderItem, renderSection);

If no $id is configured for a navigation item, the key argument will be a concatenation of the level and index argument.

# Migrate an host application

A migration example from v8 to v9 is available for the wl-squide-monorepo-template.

The v9.0 release introduces several breaking changes affecting the host application code. Follow these steps to migrate an existing host application:

  1. Add a dependency to @tanstack/react-query. View example
  2. Transition to the new AppRouter component. View example
  3. Create a TanStackSessionManager class and the SessionManagerContext. Replace the session's deprecated hooks by creating the customs useSession and useIsAuthenticated hooks. View example
  4. Remove the sessionAccessor option from the FireflyRuntime instance. Update the BootstrappingRoute component to create a TanStackSessionManager instance and share it down the component tree using a SessionManagedContext provider. View example
  5. Add or update the AuthenticationBoundary component to use the new useIsAuthenticated hook. Global data fetch request shouldn't be throwing 401 error anymore when the user is not authenticated. View example
  6. Update the AuthenticatedLayout component to use the session manager instance to clear the session. Retrieve the session manager instance from the context defined in the BootstrappingRoute component using the useSessionManager hook. View example
  7. Update the AuthenticatedLayout component to use the new key argument. View example
  8. Replace the ManagedRoutes placeholder with the new PublicRoutes and ProtectedRoutes placeholders. View example
  9. Convert all deferred routes into static routes. View example
  10. Add an $id option to the navigation item registrations. View example

# waitForMsw, waitForPublicData, waitForProtectedData

The AppRouter component accepts the waitForMsw, waitForPublicData, and waitForProtectedData properties. These properties are forwarded directly to the Squide bootstrapping flow state machine, where they are used to determine its initial state.

If the application register MSW request handlers with the runtime.registerRequestHandlers function, add the waitForMsw property to the AppRouter component:

<AppRouter waitForMsw>

If the application uses the usePublicDataQueries, add the waitForPublicData property to the AppRouter component:

<AppRouter waitForPublicData>

If the application uses the useProtectedDataQueries, add the waitForProtectedData property to the AppRouter component:

<AppRouter waitForProtectedData>

Otherwise, don't define any of those three properties on the AppRouter component.

# Root error boundary

When transitioning to the new AppRouter component, make sure to nest the RootErrorBoundary component within the AppRouter component's render function.


export const registerHost: ModuleRegisterFunction<FireflyRuntime> = runtime => {
        element: <RootLayout />,
        children: [
                $id: "root-error-boundary",
                errorElement: <RootErrorBoundary />,
                children: [


export function App() {
    return (
        <AppRouter waitForMsw>
            {({ rootRoute, registeredRoutes, routerProviderProps }) => {
                return (
                                element: rootRoute,
                                errorElement: <RootErrorBoundary />,
                                children: registeredRoutes

# Migrate a module

A migration example from v8 to v9 is available for the wl-squide-monorepo-template.

The changes in v9.0 have minimal impact on module code. To migrate an existing module, follow these steps:

  1. Convert all deferred routes into static routes. View example
  2. Add a $id option to the navigation item registrations. View example

# Isolated development

If your module is set up for isolated development, ensure that you also apply the host application migration steps to your isolated setup.